
San Joaquin Times

Thursday, March 27, 2025

How many companies in cities across San Joaquin County received FDA citations in 2023?

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DA, Elizabeth Jungman, J.D., M.P.H. Chief of Staff of the FDA | Official Website

DA, Elizabeth Jungman, J.D., M.P.H. Chief of Staff of the FDA | Official Website

There were five companies in cities associated with San Joaquin County that received FDA citations as a result of five inspections conducted in the county throughout 2023, according to reports from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This is a 66.7% increase over the number of companies cited in the previous year.

Of the 23 citations issued, the most common citations include:

  • You did not have records documenting food hygiene and food safety training.
  • You did not take a reasonable measure or precaution related to personnel practices.
  • You did not clean and sanitize your utensils or equipment as frequently as necessary to protect against contamination of food.

Most of the companies cited were involved in the Food and Cosmetics sector.

Of the companies cited, four should take voluntary actions to correct their managing operations (80%). Additionally, one company had to take regulatory and/or administrative actions (20%).

The FDA routinely inspects facilities across the nation to determine if the workplace and their products are compliant with FDA-regulated laws and regulations implemented to improve overall public health. Inspection results are then disclosed publicly.

The FDA is a government agency that is primarily responsible for monitoring the production and distribution of human and animal drugs, biological products, medical supplies and tobacco products for safety quality, according to its website.

Companies Located Within San Joaquin County Cities and the Citations They Received in 2023
Company NameArea of BusinessInspection DateIssue Cited
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Food and Cosmetics10/17/2023Qualifications of individuals
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Food and Cosmetics10/17/2023Personnel
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Food and Cosmetics10/17/2023Sanitation of food-contact surfaces - Frequency
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Food and Cosmetics10/17/2023Sanitation of non-food-contact surfaces - Manner and frequency
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Veterinary10/17/2023Qualifications of individuals
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Veterinary10/17/2023Personnel
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Veterinary10/17/2023Sanitation of food-contact surfaces - Frequency
Del Castillo Foods, Inc.Veterinary10/17/2023Sanitation of non-food-contact surfaces - Manner and frequency
Gold Coast Distributors, Inc.Food and Cosmetics06/08/2023Pest control
Gold Coast Distributors, Inc.Food and Cosmetics06/08/2023Storage and Distribution
Nature Born Foods, Inc.Food and Cosmetics06/20/2023Qualifications of individuals
Next Notions, Inc.Food and Cosmetics11/30/2023Hazard analysis - Identification of hazard
Next Notions, Inc.Food and Cosmetics11/30/2023Process preventive controls - Implement
Next Notions, Inc.Food and Cosmetics11/30/2023Food safety plan - Signing
Next Notions, Inc.Food and Cosmetics11/30/2023Supply-chain program - Implement
Sunrise Fresh, LLCFood and Cosmetics11/08/2023Sanitary operations - Plant sanitation
Sunrise Fresh, LLCFood and Cosmetics11/08/2023Equipment and utensils - Design and maintenance
Sunrise Fresh, LLCFood and Cosmetics11/08/2023Plant operations - Precautions
Sunrise Fresh, LLCFood and Cosmetics11/08/2023Manufacturing, processing, packing, holding - Controls
Sunrise Fresh, LLCVeterinary11/08/2023Sanitary operations - Plant sanitation
Sunrise Fresh, LLCVeterinary11/08/2023Equipment and utensils - Design and maintenance
Sunrise Fresh, LLCVeterinary11/08/2023Plant operations - Precautions
Sunrise Fresh, LLCVeterinary11/08/2023Manufacturing, processing, packing, holding - Controls