
San Joaquin Times

Monday, March 10, 2025

San Joaquin County Education: Which school had most students enrolled in 2022-23 school year?

Webp superintendent of public instruction tony thurmond 2023

CA Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond 2023 | California Department of Education

CA Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond 2023 | California Department of Education

Lincoln High School had the highest enrollment among San Joaquin County schools, welcoming 2,936 students during the 2022-23 school year, according to the California Department of Education.

Of all the students welcomed in the 2022-23 school year, 50.7% of them were boys, 49.2% were girls, and 0.1% identified themselves as non-binary or did not specify their gender.

Among the 207 schools in San Joaquin County, Edison High School ranked second in enrollment numbers with 2,558 students, while Franklin High School welcomed 2,284 students and ranked third in the 2022-23 school year.

Lincoln High School is part of Lincoln Unified School District, which roughly covers schools within San Joaquin County and has a main office in Stockton.

In the previous school year, Lincoln High School also had the highest number of students among San Joaquin County schools.

In the last decade, enrollment in California elementary and secondary schools rose by at least 5%, while high school enrollment dropped 5%.

However, overall enrollment in California public schools is sliding, and predicted by the Public Policy Institute of California to drop another 8% by the 2031-32 school year.

Enrollment in Lincoln High School Over 5 Years

Enrollment in San Joaquin County Schools During 2022-23 School Year
School nameCityTotal School Enrollment
Lincoln High SchoolStockton2,936
Edison High SchoolStockton2,558
Franklin High SchoolStockton2,284
Cesar Chavez High SchoolStockton2,257
Mountain House High SchoolMountain House2,142
Merrill F. West High SchoolTracy2,108
Lodi High SchoolLodi2,070
Tokay High SchoolLodi2,059
Bear Creek High SchoolStockton1,937
Manteca High SchoolManteca1,811
Stagg Senior High SchoolStockton1,773
Ronald E. McNair High SchoolStockton1,768
Tracy High SchoolTracy1,768
Sierra High SchoolManteca1,693
John C. Kimball High SchoolTracy1,607
East Union High SchoolManteca1,593
Lathrop High SchoolManteca1,535
Weston Ranch High SchoolManteca1,265
George McParland Elementary SchoolManteca1,157
Nile Garden Elementary SchoolManteca1,070
Mossdale Elementary SchoolManteca1,069
Commodore Stockton SkillsStockton1,007
Veritas Elementary SchoolManteca1,000
Ripon High SchoolRipon998
King Elementary SchoolStockton987
Hansen Elementary SchoolMountain House936
Walter Woodward Elementary SchoolManteca935
George Kelly Elementary SchoolTracy933
San Joaquin County CommunityStockton920
Great Valley Elementary SchoolManteca911
Sebastian Questa Elementary SchoolMountain House910
Wilhelmina Henry Elementary SchoolStockton901
Lodi Middle SchoolLodi898
Joseph Widmer Jr. Elementary SchoolManteca893
Bethany Elementary SchoolMountain House882
Julius Cordes Elementary SchoolMOUNTAIN HOUSE878
Lathrop Elementary SchoolManteca875
Wicklund Elementary SchoolMountain House862
Ellerth E. Larson Elementary SchoolLodi858
Rio Calaveras Elementary SchoolStockton838
Sequoia Elementary SchoolManteca837
Valentine Peyton Elementary SchoolStockton826
Escalon High SchoolEscalon812
San Joaquin County Special EducationStockton810
Brock Elliott Elementary SchoolManteca808
Delta CharterTracy798
George W. Bush Elementary SchoolStockton791
John C. Fremont Elementary SchoolStockton791
Shasta Elementary SchoolManteca790
North Elementary SchoolTracy789
Maxine Hong Kingston Elementary SchoolStockton787
Earle E. Williams Middle SchoolTracy784
Anthony C. Traina Elementary SchoolTracy781
South/West Park Elementary SchoolTracy781
Millswood Middle SchoolLodi769
Art FreilerTracy768
Linden High SchoolLinden761
Manlio Silva Elementary SchoolStockton757
McKinley Elementary SchoolStockton757
George Y. Komure Elementary SchoolManteca752
Tom Hawkins Elementary SchoolTracy752
Monte Vista Middle SchoolTracy751
Morada Middle SchoolStockton746
San Joaquin Elementary SchoolStockton746
Neil Hafley Elementary SchoolManteca741
August Knodt Elementary SchoolManteca732
Lois E. Borchardt Elementary SchoolLodi728
Alexander Hamilton Elementary SchoolStockton719
Stella Brockman Elementary SchoolManteca717
Hoover Elementary SchoolStockton710
Joshua Cowell Elementary SchoolManteca709
Altamont Elementary SchoolMountain House701
Hazelton Elementary SchoolStockton692
Pittman CharterStockton679
Elmwood Elementary SchoolStockton675
Mable BarronStockton672
Dent Elementary SchoolEscalon668
Montezuma Elementary SchoolStockton661
Madison Elementary SchoolStockton659
Cleveland Elementary SchoolStockton652
Lincoln Elementary SchoolManteca648
Pulliam Elementary SchoolStockton642
Harrison Elementary SchoolStockton634
Christa McAuliffe Middle SchoolStockton632
Monticello Elementary SchoolTracy623
Fillmore Elementary SchoolStockton604
French Camp Elementary SchoolManteca604
Ansel AdamsStockton598
Delta Sierra Middle SchoolStockton595
El Portal Middle SchoolEscalon588
Melville S. Jacobson Elementary SchoolTracy583
Tully C. KnolesStockton582
George Lincoln MosherStockton581
Erma B. Reese Elementary SchoolLodi575
John R. WilliamsStockton575
Lincoln Elementary SchoolStockton573
Sierra Middle SchoolStockton572
John Muir Elementary SchoolStockton564
Vinewood Elementary SchoolLodi550
August Elementary SchoolStockton548
Oakwood Elementary SchoolStockton548
El Dorado Elementary SchoolStockton542
Creekside Elementary SchoolStockton541
Golden West Elementary SchoolManteca538
Beckman Elementary SchoolLodi534
Gladys Poet-Christian Elementary SchoolTracy534
Colonial HeightsStockton528
Van Buren Elementary SchoolStockton528
Victory Elementary SchoolStockton528
Claudia LandeenStockton525
Lawrence Elementary SchoolLodi524
Flora Arca MataStockton508
Adams Elementary SchoolStockton505
Lakewood Elementary SchoolLodi495
Don RiggioStockton488
Spanos (Alex G.) Elementary SchoolStockton484
New Haven Elementary SchoolManteca483
Monroe Elementary SchoolStockton480
Ripona Elementary SchoolRipon480
Grunsky Elementary SchoolStockton477
Dolores Huerta Elementary SchoolStockton475
Taft Elementary SchoolStockton465
Heritage Elementary SchoolLodi463
Kennedy Elementary SchoolStockton462
Lockeford Elementary SchoolLockeford462
Wagner-Holt Elementary SchoolStockton460
John McCandless CharterStockton458
Wanda Hirsch Elementary SchoolTracy457
Park View Elementary SchoolRipon454
Weston Elementary SchoolRipon451
Ripon Elementary SchoolRipon444
Westwood Elementary SchoolStockton443
Colony Oak Elementary SchoolRipon442
Parklane Elementary SchoolStockton441
John Marshall Elementary SchoolStockton429
Stockton Early College AcademyStockton428
McKinley Elementary SchoolTracy424
Julia Morgan Elementary SchoolStockton422
Podesta Ranch Elementary SchoolStockton420
Louis J. Villalovoz Elementary SchoolTracy413
Nightingale CharterStockton413
Taylor Leadership AcademyStockton411
Health Careers AcademyStockton407
Glenwood Elementary SchoolStockton397
Central Elementary SchoolTracy393
Linden Elementary SchoolLinden392
Valley Robotics AcademyLodi381
Oak View Elementary SchoolAcampo379
Weber InstituteStockton378
Clairmont Elementary SchoolStockton377
George Washington Elementary SchoolLodi370
Waverly Elementary SchoolStockton366
Roosevelt Elementary SchoolStockton360
Sutherland Elementary SchoolStockton358
Joe Serna Jr. CharterAcampo357
Wilson Elementary SchoolStockton348
Clyde W. Needham Elementary SchoolLodi347
Louis A. Bohn Elementary SchoolTracy346
Waterloo Elementary SchoolStockton332
Davis Elementary SchoolStockton327
Middle College HighStockton315
Leroy Nichols Elementary SchoolLodi309
Van Allen Elementary SchoolEscalon306
Tracy Independent Study CharterTracy300
Live Oak Elementary SchoolLodi286
Primary Years AcademyStockton251
Delta Home CharterTracy241
New JerusalemTracy233
Delta Charter OnlineLATHROP232
Kohl Open Elementary SchoolStockton217
Delta Bridges CharterTracy214
Lammersville Elementary SchoolTracy209
Edward C. Merlo Institute of Environmental StudiesStockton206
Manteca Online AcademyManteca201
Banta Elementary SchoolTracy199
George Washington Elementary SchoolStockton199
Jane Frederick High SchoolStockton189
Pacific Law AcademyStockton184
Calla High SchoolManteca180
New Hope Elementary SchoolThornton177
Village Oaks High SchoolStockton161
Collegeville Elementary SchoolStockton159
Victor Elementary SchoolVictor145
Stockton High SchoolStockton135
Liberty High SchoolLodi134
Delta Keys CharterLATHROP123
George and Evelyn Stein ContinuationTracy123
Plaza Robles Continuation High SchoolStockton117
Farmington Elementary SchoolFarmington99
New Vision High SchoolManteca99
Walton Development CenterStockton94
District Special EducationStockton93
N. A. Chaderjian High SchoolStockton63
John F. Cruikshank Jr.Stockton43
Vista High (Continuation)Escalon37
Harvest High SchoolRipon29
Pride ContinuationStockton29
Duncan-Russell Community DayTracy27
New Jerusalem Elementary SchoolTracy23
Turner Academy at Tokay ColonyLodi22


Manlio Silva Elementary SchoolStockton Early College AcademyJohn C. Kimball High SchoolPulliam Elementary SchoolHoustonNile Garden Elementary SchoolTurner Academy At Tokay ColonyHazelton Elementary SchoolGeorge Kelly Elementary SchoolMillswood Middle SchoolLouis A. Bohn Elementary SchoolRonald E. McNair High SchoolPacific Law AcademyNeil Hafley Elementary SchoolEscalon High SchoolMelville S. Jacobson Elementary SchoolTokay High SchoolVeritas Elementary SchoolDelta Charter Online No.2Clyde W. Needham Elementary SchoolPride ContinuationLinden High SchoolLincoln Elementary SchoolMontezuma Elementary SchoolMonticello Elementary SchoolLodi High SchoolOak View Elementary SchoolNightingale CharterBanta Elementary SchoolNew Vision High SchoolSierra Middle SchoolMaxine Hong Kingston Elementary SchoolRipona ElementaryClaudia LandeenNew Jerusalem Elementary SchoolWagner-Holt Elementary SchoolWalter Woodward Elementary SchoolWaverly Elementary SchoolSouth/West Park Elementary SchoolRoosevelt Elementary SchoolCleveland Elementary SchoolClairmont Elementary SchoolNew JerusalemKennedy Elementary SchoolRio Calaveras Elementary SchoolWaterloo Elementary SchoolVillage Oaks HighLouis J. Villalovoz Elementary SchoolRipon High SchoolFrench Camp Elementary SchoolLakewood Elementary SchoolTaft Elementary SchoolGeorge Washington Elementary SchoolPark View Elementary SchoolSutherland Elementary SchoolWestwood Elementary SchoolDent Elementary SchoolMcKinley Elementary SchoolHealth Careers AcademyShasta Elementary SchoolJohn C. Fremont Elementary SchoolGladys Poet-Christian Elementary SchoolSequoia Elementary SchoolJohn F. Cruikshank Jr.North Elementary SchoolGeorge And Evelyn Stein ContinuationHansen ElementaryCalla High SchoolWeston Ranch High SchoolVinewood Elementary SchoolGreat Valley Elementary SchoolHendersonAnthony C. Traina Elementary SchoolDolores Huerta Elementary SchoolMountain House High SchoolFarmington Elementary SchoolDelta Bridges CharterArt FreilerFillmore Elementary SchoolIndependenceJohn Muir Elementary SchoolJohn Marshall Elementary SchoolHarvest HighGeorge Y. Komure Elementary SchoolCommodore Stockton SkillsLathrop Elementary SchoolErma B. Reese Elementary SchoolLiberty High SchoolValentine Peyton Elementary SchoolAugust Elementary SchoolCreekside Elementary SchoolRipon Elementary SchoolEllerth E. Larson Elementary SchoolFranklin High SchoolEdward C. Merlo Institute of Environmental StudiesGeorge Washington Elementary SchoolVan Buren Elementary SchoolLawrence Elementary SchoolColonial HeightsVan Allen Elementary SchoolHoover Elementary SchoolEl Dorado Elementary SchoolStella Brockman Elementary SchoolJohn R. WilliamsGeorge Lincoln MosherCentral Elementary SchoolAltamont ElementaryAnsel AdamsTracy High SchoolMerrill F. West High SchoolVictor Elementary SchoolWicklund ElementaryJulia Morgan Elementary SchoolMiddle College High SchoolVista High (continuation)Harrison Elementary SchoolCalifornia Department of EducationPrimary Years AcademyMorada MiddleLammersville ElementaryWilhelmina Henry Elementary SchoolDelta Home CharterMonroe Elementary SchoolPodesta Ranch Elementary SchoolWalton Development CenterLincoln Elementary SchoolAlexander Hamilton Elementary SchoolDavis Elementary SchoolMadison Elementary SchoolDelta Keys Charter #2Edison High SchoolGeorge McParland Elementary SchoolVictory Elementary SchoolElmwood Elementary SchoolDon RiggioGrunsky Elementary SchoolJane Frederick High SchoolBear Creek High SchoolChrista McAuliffe Middle SchoolPlaza Robles Continuation High SchoolLive Oak Elementary SchoolMonte Vista Middle SchoolKing Elementary SchoolEast Union High SchoolLodi Middle SchoolSebastian Questa ElementaryStockton High SchoolCesar Chavez High SchoolSierra High SchoolBrock Elliott Elementary SchoolStagg Senior High SchoolN.a. Chaderjian High SchoolLockeford Elementary SchoolJohn McCandless CharterBethany ElementaryLois E. Borchardt Elementary SchoolSpanos (alex G.) Elementary SchoolSan Joaquin County CommunityMossdale Elementary SchoolWoodbridgeCollegeville Elementary SchoolGeorge W. Bush Elementary SchoolWilson Elementary SchoolTaylor Leadership AcademyJoseph Widmer Junior Elementary SchoolLeroy Nichols Elementary SchoolJoshua Cowell Elementary SchoolWanda Hirsch Elementary SchoolWeston Elementary SchoolJeffersonHeritage Elementary SchoolTully C. KnolesColony Oak Elementary SchoolSan Joaquin County Special EducationAdams Elementary SchoolNew Haven Elementary SchoolLinden Elementary SchoolSan Joaquin Elementary SchoolTom Hawkins Elementary SchoolJoe Serna Junior CharterElkhornDelta CharterEl Portal Middle SchoolAugust Knodt Elementary SchoolGlenwood Elementary SchoolOakwood Elementary SchoolDistrict Special EducationGolden West Elementary SchoolPittman CharterMcKinley Elementary SchoolDelta Sierra Middle SchoolLathrop High SchoolMable BarronEarle E. Williams Middle SchoolWeber InstituteParklane Elementary SchoolKohl Open Elementary SchoolBrooksideNew Hope Elementary SchoolBeckman Elementary SchoolManteca High SchoolLincoln High School


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